I am the ghost of groovymother.com. Woooooo!

This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.

It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out begbie.com to find where I'm posting stuff these days.

Entries for Wednesday, December 17, 2003

December 17, 2003

Clueful Software Engineer For Hire

Things are shifting around at work, so I’m now actively seeking new employment. Here’s my “lonely hearts” search for an employer.

Smart, Quick-thinking, Common-sense-laden Software Developer seeks Smart, Challenging, Low-politics Employer.

Specialties: Effective system design, Internet and system security, Not making the same mistake twice.

I graduated five years ago with a BSc(Hons) in Computer Science. I’ve spent my “professional life” at a medium-sized consulting firm and as a subcontractor for a huge financial institution.

I’m about 6 months away from getting my Green Card, and the job flexibility that comes with that, and I’m looking for some challenges.

My résumé‘s “objective” line reads “To lead the way in building something so innovative and invaluable, people wonder how they ever lived without it,” which I think sums up my goals pretty well.

Computerwise, I’m insanely flexible. Nothing bores me more than lazy “anything-but-Microsoft” bigotry. I have two Windows machines, a Linux box and a Mac in my home, and love them all dearly.

Programming is a mind-set which comes naturally to me. The programming language is just syntax—Although my work has been 95% in Java (Swing GUIs and Servlets a speciality), I’ve dabbled in C#, C++, Objective C, Perl and more. I dropped $250 of my own cash on a copy of Visual Studio .NET just so I could learn more about where Microsoft was heading. I spent $500 on a second-hand Mac, so I could learn where Apple was heading.

I absorb information. My bookshelf and blogroll are loaded with writers like Philip Greenspun, Joel Spolsky, Jakob Nielsen, Edward Tufte and Seth Godin. I know what they’re talking about, when to apply their principles, and when to ignore them for foaming at the mouth a little.

I thrive in environments where ideas are made to be argued with, rules are made to be broken and paradigms are made to be shifted. Or something.

Does this sound like your company? For résumé, references, etc. email me at rod-hire@arsecandle.org

About This Site

This is an archive of groovmother.com, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.

I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.