! 550×243 (rodbegbie is not available…)!
This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.
It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out to find where I'm posting stuff these days.
Google offers $4,500 to students who work on Open Source projects over the summer.
I strongly suspect that I’ve purchased my last CD rack. I’m busy making plans involving FLAC encoding, a 400Gb hard drive, and a mass of python code to rip my CDs one final time.
Script to automagically create “Have I Got News for You” style questions from BBC RSS feeds.
Go to, use Hurley’s “lucky” numbers a couple of times, and see a brief teaser for the next season of Lost.
Lost as Infocom adventure game. Excellently funny. “You are lost in the jungle in a maze of twisty little paths, all alike.”
The created of the “Intel” jingle was one of the folks behind the lederhosen & rubber chickens novelty romp “Bring Me Edelweiss”!
New band from former members of Urusei Yatsura. This makes me so utterly happy. There’re a couple of MP3s to download.
Linux MP3 player which I’ve become increasingly fond-of. It’s beautifully simple, and Just Works.
Interesting attempt by mysociety to encourage internet discussion between MPs and constituents. Reminiscent of Tim Ireland’s work to get MPs blogging.
“Every year, the people of Shrewsbury keep their leftover pies for the Pie Man who collects them all together & puts them in a giant Pie Shell. The Piemaster whisks up all the pies and once the pies have been cooked together, the giant Pie Pie is eaten the feast day of St. Ian, the patron saint of pies.”
US trailer, featuring different footage from the UK one. Roll on October!
Keyboard with no labels on the keys — Which is a nice gimmick, but it looks like they’ve also put a lot of thought into the quality & clickiness of the keyboard. WANT!
Damn, this sucks. My preferred coffee-supplier no longer ships to the US. The terrrrists have won.
David Cross perfectly skewers the dreadful, dreadful prose and attitude of Pitchform album reviews… on Pitchfork.
Looks like a nice design, and the person behind this (Brad of LiveJournal/SixApart) has the clout to make a go at it.
This is a fantastic example of a specialized-subject Wiki in action — They Might Be Giants discographies, lyrics, news, etc. updated by any fan who wants to.
! 550×243 (rodbegbie is not available…)!
Hooray! A T-station within walking distance of our house.
Tediously predictable wah-wah-wah from the Scottish nationalists about the new BBC weather maps. Saw this one coming a mile off.
“It was never the object of those laws to grant a monopoly for every trifling device, every shadow of a shade of an idea, which would naturally and spontaneously occur to any skilled mechanic or operator in the ordinary progress of manufactures.”
Distilling the fiction from the crazy-fiction. Open up a socket and pipe this into your browser.
How’d I miss this? Fuller trailer for the W&G film than the one on Apple’s site. Looks delightfully ridiculous, and true to form. I’m genuinely excited about this now.
Fantastic blog entry from the man accused of having an affair with Cameron Diaz.
Apparently, these are huge draws in UK newspapers. For the not-verbal-enough-for-crosswords set.
Jeepers. Software to automagically stitch-together your photos to make panoramas. Gonna have to give this a try.
MS piss on Symantec’s chips a little more, as they move to offer a subscription-fee-based virus/spyware/firewall security package for folks who don’t know how to undo all the shit on their PC caused by lousy MS design.
Rolf Harris to paint official state portrait for the Queen’s 80th birthday. Awesome.
Fantastic-looking Firefox extension which integrates a social network rating sites into your web browsing. Read the “Outfoxed in a Nutshell” to get insight into how it works.
SSH’s “known_hosts” file could aid worm propogation. This page gives steps to reduce that risk.
“As grown ups, we have to let the dream die. Our completist paradise is not going to happen. The technological explosion of choice has only alerted me to those areas where I now know I’m going to choose not to go.”
Headfucklogicpuzzle. “19. The answer to this question is: (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E”. Took me a while to solve, but it was fun.
A tip of the hat to the Grauniad, whose excellent Election Blog has been continually entertaining in the run-up to election day, and is proving to be a considerably more informative and entertaining resource than the Beeb’s (thus-far sneaked-Mars-Bar-free) election night TV show.
And talking of the Beeb, ya boo and sucks to BBC America who this year aren’t bothering to show any election results. And why would they, when they’ve got this fine and highly up-to-date line-up for the night:
! 301×134 (Benny Hill and Python)!
What Joy did with her weekend while I was away — Created a “Dogster” page for Bacon.
This is an archive of, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.
I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.