Eulogy for the Clydester
A moments silence, if you will, for Horatio Clyde Begbie. 1996–2010.

Clyde joined our household in 2006 via the good folks at New England Basset Hound Rescue. His previous owners were moving and unable to take Clyde with them.
A friendlier, lazier, more perfect-for-the-Begbie-family dog you’d be hard-pressed to find.
Clyde quickly became “my” dog. Wherever I was in the house was where he wanted to hang out. When I moved to SF three months ahead of Joy and the dogs, he spent a lot of time in the front hall waiting for me to come home. Indeed, when I had iChat video conferences with Joy and he heard my voice, he’d go barreling to the front door to greet me.
Clyde was an old soul when we got him, so to some degree we were always semi-prepared for the time when be would no longer be with us. Every day he was in our lives was bonus time for a dog who had already lived a pretty full life before he became a Begbie.
I’m a fairly rational sort. I hold little truck for concepts like rainbow bridges. At this time, I am instead comforted by three-and-a-bit years of memories of one of the sweetest, most loving, and endearingly stubborn hounds ever to lounge around this planet.
RIP Clyde. You shall be missed.
On Monday, January 4, 2010, Wally Punsapy commented: