This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.
It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out to find where I'm posting stuff these days.
We bought my mum a Webkinz as a gift a few months ago, because I knew she'd enjoy all the casual games.. Here she is showing us the garden her Webkinz is growing.
(And it should be said, when my mum told Joy that she had already earned a "Webkinz Crown of Wonder", Joy was shooting daggers at her for 5 minutes -- Joy's been trying for months to earn hers)
I completely forgot this was on tonight. Lovely little bit of Who geekery. Number 5 was “my” doctor too — the first one I remember watching.
Excellent infographic which certainly suggests that Barry Bonds’s alleged steroid use may have improved his batting skills.
Excellent (and lo-fi) video by some Daily Show writers on the current writers’ strike.
A consistent tactic for answering those stupid “What color was your first favourite pet?” type questions.
Nice infographics explaining the difference between a slider and a cutter.
Cunning — has been told it must start collecting sales tax from New York residents, because it has “salespeople” in NY. Those salespeople? New Yorkers with Amazon affiliate links on their website. Wonder if this will hold…
My Chumby, powered-up, and making my life approximately 65% better by displaying a live feed from the San Diego Zoo Pandacam.
I believe it can perform other tasks too, but who cares? PANDAS!
Sadly, this is the most interesting and innovative thing I’ve read about “Android” so far — that they’re getting around Sun’s “J2ME” trademark/patent/licensing beartrap by implementing their own VM.
Toys Backwards-R Us are giving away $25 gift cards when you buy Super Mario Galaxy from them. Since I was already planning on getting it, that makes me happy. (I’ll probably use the gift card to buy some Wii Points, so I can download Super Mario Bros 3 off of the Virtual Console. Woo!)
Great Rands article. It’s a bit hit-or-miss describing me, but the section “Nerds are fucking funny” sums me up perfectly. “Humor is an intellectual puzzle, “How can this particular set of esoteric trivia be constructed to maximize hilarity as quickly as possible?”“
This is an archive of, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.
I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.