I am the ghost of groovymother.com. Woooooo!

This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.

It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out begbie.com to find where I'm posting stuff these days.

Filed under 'php'

September 18, 2007

RussellBeattie.com - OMGWTFBBQ: Open Source PHP5 News Reader

New open-source self-hostable PHP feedreader from Russell Beattie. My Gregarius install is aging, and something shiny, new, and being worked-on is mighty tempting.

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April 10, 2007

O'Reilly Radar > PHP Becoming Mainstream

“PHP and MySQL For Dummies” is currently the top-selling PHP book. Attention malicious types: There will soon be even more half-assed easily-attackable PHP sites on the internet for your delectation.

April 3, 2007

phpsh -- an interactive shell for php

This could come in handy for sanity checking syntax when writing PHP. Bizarrely, it’s mostly written in Python!

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December 17, 2006


Self-hostable OpenID server in a single PHP script.

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July 11, 2006

RoundCube Webmail Project

Attractive, and fairly lightweight, self-hostable webmail client. Works with any IMAP server.

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January 8, 2006

PHP Easter Egg

I’d never heard of this: “If you add ?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 to the end of any URL that is a PHP page you will see a funny little picture of a dog.”

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October 4, 2005

Ning "Playground"

At the risk of sounding a bit “Less space than a nomad. Lame”, can anyone explain to me what’s so exciting about a service that lets you build hosted not-quite-as-good-as-existing social apps?

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About This Site

This is an archive of groovmother.com, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.

I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.