I am the ghost of groovymother.com. Woooooo!

This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.

It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out begbie.com to find where I'm posting stuff these days.

Entries for week beginning January 20, 2008

January 26, 2008

A President Like My Father - New York Times

Caroline Kennedy endorses Obama. “I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.”

Copilot is now free on weekends

Perfect timing, since I’m helping my mum set up iTunes and podcasts on her PC on Sunday afternoon!

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January 25, 2008

Hey Venus!

CD Purchase: Super Furry Animals - Hey Venus!

Boston Sports Propaganda

Fantastic limited-edition screen prints celebrating the Sox and the Pats. I’m trying to convince Joy that some of these would be dashing on our living room walls.

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OS X system-wide plugin that adds color palletes from Adobe’s kuler community to the ColorPicker widget.

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January 24, 2008


CD Purchase: Cat Power - Jukebox

Woman With Tattoo From Homemade Gun Got Sick

From the “News article opening lines which blow your mind” file: “Some women in Springfield, MO are regretting their decision last week to get a tattoo from a door-to-door tattoo salesman.”

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January 22, 2008

January 21, 2008

hudson: an extensible continuous integration engine

This looks worth investigating — Continuous integration server that can also monitor other jobs (eg. cron jobs or backups), then serves the results at RSS, email or IM alerts.

About This Site

This is an archive of groovmother.com, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.

I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.