BarCampBoston - DayOneLinkDump
BarCampBoston2 got of to a roaring, if less-busy-than-planned-due-to-weather, start today.
First of all, the most important link—the one that I was asked for repeatedly throughout the day—is the source of the lolcats that I used to help time the 10-Second Introductions. You can find all the anthropomorphized cats you desire at I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?.
Onto less important matters… OpenID! If you want, you can grab a copy of my slides (though they are hopefully relatively useless if you didn’t see me present). Useful OpenID links:
- OpenID: an actually distributed identity system – The official homepage
- OpenID Libraries – If you want to include OpenID support in your webapp
- Simon Willison’s blog – Lots of good thinking around OpenID here. Simon’s screencast from December was what got me excited about OpenID.
- phpMyID – The single .php script Identity Provider you can install on (almost) any webhost.
- The Jabber OpenID Server
- Best Practices for webapps supporting OpenID signin
- Sxipper – Very beta Firefox plugin which supports seamless OpenID authentication.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to exhume the presentation I gave last year, as I’ll be giving it again tomorrow morning due to “popular demand” (ie. one person asked me).