This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.
It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out to find where I'm posting stuff these days.
As part of their development deal with NBC, the creators of the sitcom “Nobody’s Watching” got some cash to make online videos. This is their site, chock-full of amusing videos, as they wait to find out if they’re getting picked up for midseason.
For our third wedding anniversary, I treated meself and the missus to tickets to see Jon Stewart do standup. He was splendidly entertaining, though it seemed like he hadn't updated his standup act much over the last few years (jokes about Y2K, the Million Man March and Rodney King!)
My lovely chum Jill Bernard is currently drawing anti-drug animal poems, and they’re making me laugh.
The new Scorsese film is getting massively positive reviews — Criticker reckons I’d give it 97/100. Gonna have to break my Leonardo DiCaprio embargo and go see it, I think.
When I got the new Beck CD yesterday, one of my first reactions to the blank inlay and sticker-set (after “Awesome!”) was “I wonder if this makes them ineligible for the UK charts.” It would appear so.
Comic book miniseries heavily inspired by Britpop. Sounds really interesting, but getting a copy will involve going to a *shudder* comic book store. (Still, since there’s a new issue of Dork coming out soon too, maybe that was inevitable)
Alex Doonesbury’s attending MIT, and today the Stata Center, my favourite new piece of architecture in the Boston area, made an appearance,
There’s a proper 2D Sonic game for the DS?! Why was I not alerted to this sooner? I love me some spiny blue action.
A little screen-fu — I didn’t realise that one screen session could encompass multiple screens.
Tim Westergren of Pandora, talking with a hundred-or-so interested students and other music geeks at MIT.
A subset of the crowd at the Pandora Town Hall.
New version of WinAmp (Remember them? It’s like an iPod, except you can’t carry it around with you. Ask your parents) includes “remote listening” — Stream music from your home PC to wherevers. Since Apple kept disabling hacks that did this with iTunes, I’m curious how AOL think they’re going to be able to keep this “legit”
Normally, I can’t be arsed with Pitchfork’s reviews — too pseudy by half. But this one is short, witty, incisive, and pretty danged accurate.
Cunning idea — a watch that connects to your watch via Bluetooth, then vibrates and shows caller ID information when you get a call or a text, so you don’t have to go raking through your pockets/bag for your phone. Of course, it’ll be a total battery drain, but a lovely innovation nonetheless.
Could be interesting — DVDJon reverse engineered Apple’s DRM, and is looking to license it to other companies wanting to sell DRMed tracks. Of course, Apple can break it again with a firmware update, so who knows where this is going.
New open database of user-submitted Phishing URLs. Somewhat reminiscent of Mark Fletcher’s old “Trustic” startup. Not sure how well the submission/validation system will scale, or deal with gaming, but it could be interesting to watch.
We’re putting new cover sheets on all of our TPS reports now before they go out.
The light show was really quite stunning, but of course, looks like ass on my cameraphone. Their use of scrolling ticker displays reminded me somewhat of the Blue Man Group!
Clyde isn't spritely enough to hop onto the bed like Bacon, so he's made himself a little nest in the corner of the bedroom.
BBC One’s done a revamp of their Idents, and they’re brill — especially the synchronized hippos. There really seems to be an element of humour about them that was missing from the politically-correct dancers.
This is an archive of, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.
I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.