This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.
It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out to find where I'm posting stuff these days.
Great tips on making a tech presentation. In particular, the suggestion of using screencast software to demo your software makes a huge amount of sense, and is something I’m surprised more people don’t do to mitigate risk.
Posted without comment.
How the electoral college of “the world” would vote. Unlike most of the other online polls, this at least has an ounce of statistical rigour to it. Also interesting: Which countries think the US presidential choice will have an effect on them.
The true symbol of democracy in America -- The smug satisfaction of getting to wear the elusive "I Voted" sticker.
It was the only reason I bothered voting, to be honest.
The seven sides(!) of the ballot, filled out and ready to be deposited in the ballot box.
This sample ballot shows how much crap I had to vote on after making my presidential selection.
Officially the best thing in the entire history of the internet today.
“This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus.” I love Hitchens.
A chance to revel in my earlyadopteritude.
Video preview of a really interesting looking new indie game where the world is completely blank until you fire at it with your one weapon: A paintball gun which helps you “see” the obstacles. Watch the video to see it make sense.
The engineers who “designed” these machines, and the civil servants who approved their use, should be named, shamed and banned from ever being involved in electoral process again. Love the way the guy is trying to argue “Well, this would only happen if the machine is misconfigured”, then configures it correctly and it STILL fucks up.
Feeling oddly patriotic that the combination of easy access to video cameras and internet video distribution mean a fifth-grader can score an interview with a VP candidate and share it with the world!
Warning: contains awesome shots of basset jowls flapping in the breeze.
I mostly enjoy FiveThirtyEight for the statistical geekery, but some of the blogessays posted are great too. I really enjoyed this one by Sean Quinn on “The Three Ashleys”
Spent some birthday cash creating my own custom Muppet Whatnot on the FAO Schwartz website. I'm thoroughly excited at the prospect of having a Muppet of my very own.
Unrelated: I am 32.
Amazingly clever piece of hackery. Embed fonts seamlessly in your pages in a manner that works with all released major browsers (including iPhone), but degrades gracefully. Need to do some playing with this…
My Xbox gamertagusernamethingummy is the unimaginative RodBegbie if you want to befriendify me. (At least until I overcome my aversion to paying Microsoft TEN! FUCKING! DOLLARS! to change it)
Op-Ed piece encouraging taking “Moneyball” approach to healthcare. Hands up anyone who ever thought they’d see the NYTimes run an article with the byline “By BILLY BEANE, NEWT GINGRICH and JOHN KERRY”.
This is an archive of, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.
I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.