I am the ghost of groovymother.com. Woooooo!

This is an old page from Rod Begbie's blog.

It only exists in an attempt to prevent linkrot. No new content will be added to this site, and links and images are liable to be broken. Check out begbie.com to find where I'm posting stuff these days.

Entries for July 2006

July 31, 2006

Pop På Svenska + Plan 714 Till

CD Purchase: Komeda - Pop På Svenska + Plan 714 Till


CD Purchase: Lamb - Lamb

The Broadband - God Save the Internet

” Writing songs about corporate malfeasance so you don’t have to!”. Free net-neutrality MP3 from Jill Sobule, Kay Hanley and Michelle Lewis.

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Guardian Unlimited | G24

The Grauniad’s constantly-updated downloadable PDF, designed to be printed out before you leave the office in the evening to read on the train home. Nice way to attack the evening newspapers’ sales without having to distribute deadtree yourself.

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Silk Marijuana Plants, Silk Hemp Plants & Silk Marijuana Buds - New Image Plants

Faux-weed for decorative purposes. The next friend of mine who gets admitted to hospital is getting some “medical” “marijuana” to spruce up their ward!

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July 30, 2006

Windows Vista Speech Recognition Demo Gone Awry - Google Video

“Dear aunt, let’s set so double the killer delete select all”

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July 29, 2006

Arrogant Bastard Ale Saturday 9:55 pm 7/29/06 Somerville, Massachusetts

Arrogant Bastard Ale Saturday 9:55 pm 7/29/06 Somerville, Massachusetts

My chum Noel and I sample Arrogant Bastard Ale. The bottle warned us "You probably won't like this," and it was right.

July 28, 2006

Big Man Run XI

A little piece of what makes Somerville special: A race where 200 fat blokes race 5 miles, stopping off at three “first-aid stations” (dive bars) to chug a beer and eat a hotdog.

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Sacrebleu (re-release)

CD Purchase: Dimitri from Paris - Sacrebleu (re-release)


My lovely missus is doing a 24-hour sponsored blog. She’ll be blogging every thirty minutes for 24 hours, starting at 8am tomorrow. Go throw some cash in the direction of her charity!

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July 27, 2006

Google Code - Project Hosting

Google offer free Subversion hosting and bug tracking for open-source projects. Missing in comparison to Sourceforge: Web Hosting, Downloads, SVN web-browsing and adverts galore.

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Kawaii Not: Screw the Status Quo

Groucho glasses make anything funny.

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SIMPSON'S MOVIE footage from Comic Con hits YouTube!

Animatics from the upcoming Simpsons movie. The big guffaws from the crowd make me think that the best time to see this will be a late Saturday evening showing, when the audience is made up of slightly inebriated geeks (this is how I first saw the South Park movie, and the crowd reaction really enhanced the viewing experience)

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Having woken up to a particularly stonking case of bedhead this morning, I inwardly-dialogued "fuck it!" and asked Joy to help me take my beardtrimmer to my head.

Lesson learned? Next time, use a longer setting on the trimmer, cause my blond hair is nearly transparent this short.

July 26, 2006

YouTube - Pulp - Bad Cover Version

It’s a great song, but this video just made it even better. I’ll always have an especially soft spot for it after someone on a mailing-list I was on made it clear he didn’t get the joke, and wondered how Pulp had pulled it off.

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Problematic extensions - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

If, like me, you’ve got a shedload of Firefox extensions installed and, like me, are seeing memory leaks in Firefox, this guide can help you track down the responsible parties.

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Nifty “who’s interested in what?” tool for conference attendees, knocked out in a few hours by Kellan and Rabble. I’d love to see this at future conferences.

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CD Purchase: Puffy AmiYumi - Splurge

Wikipedia Celebrates 750 Years Of American Independence | The Onion

“Little did such founding fathers as George Washington, George Jefferson, and ***ERIC IS A FAG***…”

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July 25, 2006

Aptana: The Web IDE

IDE built on top of Eclipse (and available as an Eclipse plugin) that aids in the coding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The code-completion tooltips showing you which browsers understand which keywords looks dead handy.

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Daring Fireball: Magic 8-Ball Answers Your Questions Regarding Microsoft's 'Zune'

John Gruber’s Magic 8 Ball does its work on Zune.

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Web Inno 7 Report | Boston WTF

Brian’s summary of last night’s Boston Web Innovators Meetup. My snark is saved for the comments section. But if I hear of another startup whose entire business model is “targeted advertising”, there’s going to be trouble!

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reddit.com: Slate - what's new online

Reddit launch a branded sub-site just for Slate articles, essentially becoming the “official” place to comment on and rate Slate articles. An interesting joint venture, showing there’s more to the Web 2.0 businessplan than just “targetted advertising”.

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The K&D Sessions

CD Purchase: Kruder & Dorfmeister - The K&D Sessions

Slim Devices : Product Info : Transporter

Slim Devices launch their $2k “audiophile” version of the Squeezebox. Gold-plated out the wazoo for those who claim they hear the difference. They probably won’t sell many, but they’ll make a shitload from the ones they do sell.

Pug Bowling

Can of Pledge + Bowling Pins + Laser Pointer + Pug Dog == Pug Bowling!

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July 24, 2006

UnNews:England shocked by occurrence of summer for 21st year in a row - Uncyclopedia

“We didn’t anticipate this level of heat this year — we never thought we’d get a twenty-first hot season in a row!” Extra marks to the authors for the Tribe of Toffs reference.

Gigantor Remote

Gigantor Remote

Ah, I love the crap they sell at Brookstone. The overpriced junk that gives the air of being vaguely useful, but is too cheap and shoddy to actually solve a problem well.

My favourite one that I saw yesterday was this $50 massive universal remote. Pretend to be a Lilliputian from the comfort of your couch!


A splendidly fun flashgame, drilling down for minerals, and returning to the surface before you run out of fuel, whilst cashing in the minerals and upgrading your driller. I could see me getting quite addicted to this!

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July 23, 2006

Puffy AmiYumi cover Green Day's "Basket Case" (MP3)

I’m curious to test out RedSwoosh’s P2Pness, so link-followers: Have a shot at downloading seven stonking megabytes of J-Pop oddness! Windows users should be directed to download the RedSwoosh client, while Mac & Linux users should be redirected to the CoralCDN service. Let’s see how little bandwidth I can use distributing some QUALITY CHOONS!

Red Swoosh - free your links

Theoretically seamless and easy P2P file sharing. Add “http://edn.redswoosh.net/” to the front of a URL, and it’ll go through a P2P client instead of being served up by your HTTP server. Kind of similar to what OpenCola were doing in 2001.

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Johnny Cupcakes Clothing

Local indie T-shirt designer. I’ll have to take a nosey at his store on Newbury St.

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Strange Brew: Weird & Wonderful Covers From the Atlantic & Warner Vaults

CD Purchase: Various Artists - Strange Brew: Weird & Wonderful Covers From the Atlantic & Warner Vaults

July 22, 2006



Joy bowling at King's. For a crappy cameraphone shot, I think this turned out pretty good!

Encoding RSS Titles

Yet another reason to switch to the unambiguous land of Atom 1.0. At least then, if a moronic client screws up, you can be an asshole and point them to the spec.

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July 21, 2006

Coming Zune

Microsoft finally confess to the existence of their “Zune” player. Nothing much announced yet; just a teaser site with a man stroking a bunny.

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Python package for modelling and graphing networks. Looks like it’ll be easier to work with than GraphViz.

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The Pipettes - Pull Shapes

Top music video (blatantly/lovingly ripped off from “Beyond the Valley of the Dolls”) from quality new Spector-esque polka-dotted powerpop group.

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MediaGuardian.co.uk | Broadcast | NBC signs up YouTube sitcom

NBC’s commissioned six episodes of the sitcom “Nobody’s Watching”, after the rejected pilot garnered good reviews on YouTube.

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The Editorial Cartoons of Clay Bennett: Security vs. Privacy

Excellent cartoon. From October 2001, but still as true today, sadly.

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July 20, 2006

ThinkGeek :: Solar LED Address Numbers

It drives me nuts when I’m trying to find an address, but the house numbers are barely visible. I’ve just ordered one of these for our house.

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Yahoo! Music Blog » Buy A Customized Jessica Simpson MP3 At Yahoo! Music

“Our position is simple: DRM doesn?t add any value for the artist, label (who are selling DRM-free music every day ? the Compact Disc), or consumer, the only people it adds value to are the technology companies who are interested in locking consumers to a particular technology platform.” Hells yeah!

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EFF: Key Quotes from Today's EFF v. AT&T Decision

Some excellently common sense from the judiciary. “Dismissing this case at the outset would sacrifice liberty for no apparent enhancement of security.” Go donate the EFF some cash now!

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coComment blog » What’s new?

coComment adds features that actually make it, you know, _useful_. It now tracks all comments left after you or a variety of blogging packages, and the Firefox extension means you don’t have to remember to hit the bookmarklet each time.

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Happy Software Prole » Year 2038 Bug Strikes Early

The Year 2038 bug happens one-billion seconds early, due to a kludgy workaround in AOLServer.

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YouTube - Daily Show 7/19/06 - Net Neutrality

Another great John Hodgman “Resident Expert” segment.

Pass in Time: The Definitive Collection

CD Purchase: Beth Orton - Pass in Time: The Definitive Collection

July 19, 2006

ESPN.com: Page 2 : Choosing my EPL team

Bill Simmons, American sportswriter, goes through an in-depth investigation to decide upon an English Premier League to support this season. A great read.

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Self-destruct Button USB Hub | Uncrate

Pretend to be an evil villain whilst hooking up your digital camera.

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Adobe Labs - Project: Lightroom

Adobe’s Lightroom photo-processing beta is now available for Windows in addition to OSX.

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YouTube - The Big Lebowski - F_cking Short Version

Warning. May contain swearing.

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July 18, 2006

AOL Retention Manual Revealed - Consumerist

Consumerist get their paws on the scripts & tools used by AOL to try to keep their users from cancelling. “If you stop and think about it, every Member that calls in to cancel their account is a hot lead. Most other sales jobs require you to create your own leads, but in the Retention Queue the leads come to you!” Wankers.

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I’ve recorded you all a message using Odeo’s other new app from last week.

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The Eraser

CD Purchase: Thom Yorke - The Eraser

Belle & Sebastian Charity Album Details

Splendid indie line-up for an album benefiting Save The Children.

Sysinternals: Acquisition FAQ

Sysinternals (makers of frankly necessary tools that should have been included in Windows) has been purchased by MS. Unlike every other “purchased by MS” story, this one isn’t on April 1st. ‘wget —mirror’ is your friend.

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Amassed stats and assorted other geekery based upon your Flickr usage.

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IPython - An enhanced Interactive Python

Improved console for Python. Includes, be still my beating heart, tab-completion for Python commands.

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Matplotlib / pylab - matlab style python plotting

About to do a bunch of graphical data analysis. This seems to be the best graphic package for Python.

Popjustice £20 Music Prize: the 2006 shortlist...

Who gives a toss about yer Mercury arty wankfest? *This* is the music prize that matters. Some great choons in here.

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July 17, 2006

Apple - Trailers - The Prestige

Trailer for the upcoming movie from Christopher Nolan (director of Momento and Insomnia). Looks good to me!

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Formica Blues

CD Purchase: Mono - Formica Blues


CD Purchase: Fantastic Plastic Machine - Luxury


CD Purchase: Beck - Guerolito

Jagged Little Pill (Acoustic)

CD Purchase: Alanis Morissette - Jagged Little Pill (Acoustic)

July 16, 2006

Coding Horror: Separating Programming Sheep from Non-Programming Goats

Summary of a really interesting paper: Can you give potential CompSci students a test that will weed out those that will Just Never Get It?

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Basset Hounds! Sunday 12:41 pm 7/16/06 Bristol, Rhode Island

Basset Hounds! Sunday 12:41 pm 7/16/06 Bristol, Rhode Island

Some of the bassets relaxing in the shade at the Colonial Basset Hound Rescue Basset Bash.

Maggie May, Sunday 11:23 am 7/16/06 Bristol, Rhode Island

Maggie May, Sunday 11:23 am 7/16/06 Bristol, Rhode Island

This adorable little puppy stole everyone's hearts at the Basset Bash.

July 15, 2006

July 14, 2006

Pearl & Dean - new version of our classic tune

Pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pa-pa. Pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pa, pa-pahhhhh…pah!

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Apple Computer Nike + iPod Sport Kit

Looks like a splendidly well designed and smartly integrated piece of kit. Uses a small shoe sensor to count your steps, an iPod nano to track them and store the data, iTunes to sync it, and a Nike-run website to visualize it over time. If I were ever planning to get off my arse, this would probably convince me to drop $80 on Nike trainers.

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Boston Restaurant Week 2006

Reservations open today for $30.06 dinners at restaurants across Boston. I think we might go to Todd English’s Bonfire this year.

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The Pig and the Box

A beautifully illustrated storybook fable explaining to ver kiddiewinkies why DRM is bad. Lollipop Jones!

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WidSets Beta

More software cluttering up my cellphone! This is a kind of like Konfabulator or Apple Dashboard — A website to manage your widgets (mostly RSS feeds at the moment), and a very simple, but attractive, on-phone interface for reading.

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New mobile friend-tracking social-network system from some Odeo folks. It reminds me of the way my friends and I used to use our AIM Away and Profile messages to pass on information and injokes.

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Hot or Not Captcha Mashup

Finally, someone has harnassed the power of “Am I Hot or Not?” for good. Pick the three hot people to prove you’re human.

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July 13, 2006

Call Me Fishmeal.: Note to Bill Gates: I'll take your bet, for $10,000.

Bill Gates says that it’s a 80% chance that Vista will ship in January. Mac developer Wil Shipley offers to take billg up on that bet.

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My drive home tonight

Stupid GPS tricks. Captured with GETrack.

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mobile-j.de :: Products/GETrack

Series 60 cellphone app which tracks your location over time, and exports them as KML files, which can be used with Google Maps and Google Earth.

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Wayfinder Earth

Navigation app for Series 60 cellphones. Maps and routes are streamed from the server, so you don’t an extra memory card to store them. Only costs €10 for a year’s subscription.

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NBC.com > The Office > Webisodes

The first two “webisodes” of The Office are up now.

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Bullet in uber slow motion - Google Video

69 seconds of slow motion footage of a variety of things getting shot. Awesome.

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flow|state: Insert key safely disarmed in Microsoft Word 2007

Hitting the ‘Insert’ key in Word 2007 will no longer enable the inexplicable document-eating mode. It had never occurred to me just how horrendous a usability experience the Insert key could be.

TiVo Central Online: Guru Guide™ Recommendations

Somehow, I missed this when it launched. Subscribe your TiVo to “guides” provided by magazines. I’ve just subbed up for the Entertainment Weekly one, which nets me anything called out in the “What To Watch” section of the mag.

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July 12, 2006

Puffy AmiYumi, Wednesday 10:10 pm 7/12/06 Boston, Massachusetts

Puffy AmiYumi, Wednesday 10:10 pm 7/12/06 Boston, Massachusetts

The Puffy AmiYumi Splurge! Splurge! Splurge! tour. They read their on-stage banter off of notebooks. "Thank you. You guys... are.. the.. best?" It only sounded 5% more scripted than when native English-speaking bands do it..

The Medical Malpractice Myth - Forget tort reform. The Democrats have a better diagnosis.

Dems suggest that medical malpractice suits can be avoided by… hey! Reducing the number of times doctors or nurses screw up. That’s just crazy enough to work.

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Anti-MassPIRG T-Shirt

“I DO NOT HAVE FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT”. Man, I freakin’ hate MassPIRG. Their streetteams are one of those things where they actively turn me against a cause I’d otherwise support.

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July 11, 2006

RoundCube Webmail Project

Attractive, and fairly lightweight, self-hostable webmail client. Works with any IMAP server.

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July 10, 2006

on crypto systems from CTO PGP

Rebuttal of the theory that the government are mass-cracking encrypted data. “If you want to brute-force a key, it literally takes a planet-ful of computers… Now of course, there are other ways to break the system.”

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Comment is free: It was a wonderful headbutt

“A heartfelt appreciation of one of the finest headbutts ever thrown.” A detailed review of Zidane’s headbutt during the world cup final.

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DaimlerChrysler - Dr. Dieter Zetsche

Crikey! That splendidly-moustachioed fellow appearing in the DaimlerChrysler TV ads actually *is* the chairman of the board. I was sure he was an actor.

Profanity Adventures

“A nostalgic look at what used to happen when you tried typing swear words into text adventures”. Missing are those text adventures that swore *at* you, when you typed in the names of rival games companies, magazines that had given them bad reviews, etc.

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July 9, 2006


Social networking for beer drinkers. Find pints you’ll like, and bars from whence to imbibe them.

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July 8, 2006

Holux GPSlim (GR-236) Review

Tom Coates’s ravings about this Bluetooth GPS receiver got me all excited, so I’ve ordered one for myself. $90 is a pretty good deal, since I have a cellphone, PDA and laptop that will all work with it.

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Get Your Priorities Right: A rationalist crusader does the math on global warming.

I’ve been impressed with Bjorn Lomborg since reading an article he wrote in The Economist on the Kyoto agreement five years ago. Here, he argues that, while global warming is a problem, it should be a fantastically low priority for funding compared to AIDS or Malaria.

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July 7, 2006

YouTube - Nobody's Watching Part 1

Breaking-the-third-wall-tastic sitcom pilot co-created by Bill Lawrence (creator of Scrubs). (Quick summary: Two sitcom-obsessed guys live on a sitcom set, and try to create their perfect sitcom) The WB turned it down last year, but since being posted to YouTube and gathering some acclaim, NBC are considering resurrecting it.

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July 6, 2006

Hooked on FONics

Out of idle curiousity, I signed up for a cheapy wireless router from FON.

For those not familiar, this is a startup, funded by Google and Skype, that's attempting to create a worldwide pay-for WiFi network out of a mish-mash of broadband connections. You sign up for an account with them, pay $3, and get 24 hours access to any wireless router on their network.

People running the routers and sharing their network connections have a choice: Sign up as a "Linus", make no money from sharing your connection, but have free access to the whole FON network, or sign up as a "Bill" and get 50% of FON's charges from people using your router.

To bootstrap their network, they have an offer of a wireless router for $5. Five bucks (plus another eight for shipping) netted me a Linksys WRT54GS, which retails for $70 normally. It came preloaded with their firmware, which is based on the excellent, excellent OpenWRT Linux distribution for Linksys routers, and the ChilliSpot wireless portal to stop freeloaders.

Of course, handing out cheap routers gets you a little way, but it doesn't create a terribly useful network. In my neck of the woods, there are plenty of FON access points, but they're all just in random residential areas dotted around the city, not in any place where you'd actually want to sit and surf. And residential areas such as this are already chock-full of open unprotected WiFi access points. I can see three from where I'm sat now (not counting my own).

The hobbyists like me who go "Cheap router that runs Linux? Cheers!", register it online (fulfilling all obligations for the price point), then wipe it and install OpenWRT from scratch will eat through their reported $21M, while the coffee shops and airports continue to sign with T-Mobile, Wandering Wifi, etc.

So if you want a dirt-cheap linux-running WiFi router, then this is an excellent deal. And once FON inevitably goes titsup, you can keep it next to your CueCat in your personal Museum of Free Hardware from Poorly-Thought-Out but Well-Funded Startups.

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ODF Add-in for Word 2007

Microsoft-funded open-source plugin for MS Word 2007 which allows the opening (but not yet saving) of documents in OpenOffice’s Open Document Format.

WSJ.com - Free, Legal and Ignored

College kids snub “free” DRMed not-playable-on-Macs-or-iPods lots-of-strings-attached music. Well, duh.

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Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good: The Evolution of "Crazy"

An MP3 of the obscure instrumental that “Crazy” is based on. It’s originally from the soundtrack to a spaghetti western!

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July 5, 2006

Gliffy.com - Create and share diagrams online

Free online Visio-a-like. Includes flowchart, network diagram, roomplan and UI templates, which, let’s face it, should be enough for about 90% of Visio users.

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July 4, 2006


Simple perl encrypted-backup-to-Amazon-S3 tool.

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The Tao of Mac - The Unswitch Saga: Get The T-Shirt

“I nearly switched to Ubuntu when Mark did…” hee.

Bristol Stool Scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the time of writing, this has 202 up-votes on Reddit. Hooray for democratized media.

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PhillRyu.com - The Top Ten Most Beautiful OS X Apps

A smattering of free/shareware OSX apps with to-die-for UIs.

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Guides: New Super Mario Bros. Guide

Now that I’ve “completed” New Super Mario Bros, I need a walkthrough to get me to the two hidden worlds that I skipped.

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July 3, 2006

Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine

Great article about Feynman’s work on parallel computing in the mid-80s.

nLite - Deployment Tool for Unattended Windows

nLite’s hit 1.0. If you reinstall Windows with any frequency, it’s a lifesaver, allowing you to slipstream an install containing all Windows Updates, plus your favourite settings, tweaks, and apps.

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My Book Premium Edition 500 GB Hard Drives

500Gb External USB/Firewire drive, with a nifty ambient capacity gauge on the front.

July 2, 2006



A (year-and-a-half) belated first wedding anniversary gift from our smashing chum, Cheryl: A signed Garry Trudeau print of Mike & JJ from Doonesbury.

Hopefully, our marriage will turn out happier than theirs!

freedb.org - Goodbye to freedb after 6 successful years

freedb looks doomed. Two of the three project maintainers have left, and the third is threatening to shut it down and sell the domain.

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July 1, 2006

Solid Wall of Code: AutoBan

MT plugin that adds “Deny” entries to your .htaccess file when someone’s clobbering you with comment spam, saving you the CPU cycles. I’ve installed it — if it works, I’ll be giddy as a schoolgirl.

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Virtual Replay

3D animated replays of all World Cup goals. Have fun switching perspectives, and see what it’s like to be a goalie during a penalty shootout.

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About This Site

This is an archive of groovmother.com, the old blog run by Rod Begbie — A Scottish geek who lives in San Francisco, CA.

I'm the co-founder of Sōsh, your handy-dandy guide for things to do in San Francisco this weekend.